英文新书推荐 | 民族的渴望(英文版)

英文新书推荐 | 民族的渴望(英文版)


《民族的渴望:缅北“怒人”的族群重构(英文版)》(Reconstruction of the Nu as an Ethnic Group in Northern Myanmar The Yearning of a People)由国际知名出版机构兰培德国际学术出版集团(Peter Lang)与社会科学文献出版社联合出版。该专著为云南大学一流大学建设“优秀著作外译”项目的入选成果,得到了云南大学“双一流”建设经费的资助。该书已相继被哈佛大学、斯坦福大学、普林斯顿大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、哥伦比亚大学、耶鲁大学、密歇根大学、加州大学伯克利分校等世界知名大学收藏、推介。本书的出版在国际学术界产生了广泛的影响,为传播中国声音,讲好“中国故事”,作出了突出贡献。

Reconstruction of the Nu as an Ethnic Group in Northern Myanmar

The Yearning of a People

Author: He Lin

Publisher: Peter Lang International 

Academic Publishing Group


ISBN: 978-1433178184



What makes a people so persistently guard its ethnic name, even at the expense of reconstructing its cultural entities? The Nu in northern Myanmar originated from the Anung and Nusu branches of the Chinese Nu people in the Nujiang River valley. In Myanmar’s contemporary ethnic construction, the Nu failed to acquire an ethnic identity commensurate with their ethnic name, thus giving rise to their movement of ethnic reconstruction. Out of the need to retain their own language and culture and acquire their ethnic identity, the Anung and Nusu, who had little interaction with each other in history, have become united. Referring to the Chinese Nu people’s construction pattern, they have reconstructed the Myanmar Nu people as a complete ethnic entity by enhancing their social identity, reshaping their cultural traditions, and creating their writing system, along with a Nu language-based Christian theological system, in the hope of eventually gaining recognition from various other ethnic groups in Kachin and of the Myanmar government.



He Lin, Doctor of Ethnology, is Associate Professor at the School of Ethnology and Sociology of Yunnan University. His research interests are Southeast Asian (Myanmar) ethnic groups, religions of ethnic minorities in southwest China, practical anthropology, and folk diplomacy research and practice. His major works include: monographs: The Anung: Di_ erent Religious Beliefs under One Roof and Folksongs of the Anung in Bingzhongluo; and theses: The Cultural Logics of Paukphaw in Myanmar, Ethnology for Practice: Ethnology & Anthropology Based on the Practice in China, and Research on “Pluralism-and-Unity Model” Wand Harmonious Coexistence.



兰培德国际学术出版集团(Peter Lang International Academic Publishing Group)是一家世界知名的学术类国际出版集团,专门从事人文和社会科学的学术出版。该集团由出自瑞士知名书商和出版商之家的Peter Lang先生于1970年初创于法兰克福,总部位于瑞士伯尔尼。集团出版的图书范围包括学术专著、期刊、教材、文集、会议摘要、博士论文和年报等,出版语言主要包括英语、法语、德语、西班牙语、意大利语等。除目前拥有的近6万种图书、近2000种丛书系列、17种学术期刊外,每年出版的新书达2000种左右。


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